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Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home

930 Placita Canalito Green Valley, AZ 85614

For pricing & availability

(866) 567-4049

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Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home

Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home is a memory care provider in Green Valley, AZ. The staff at Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home provide supervision and are able to remind residents to attend to activities of daily living such as grooming and toileting. Staff are on service 24 hours a day. Residents who are prone to wandering can be accepted. There is a computerized system that alerts staff if a resident attempts to wander to an unsafe area. Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home may be able to accommodate residents who are physically aggressive. Additionally, residents who exhibit self-destructive tendencies or at risk of suicide may also be admitted depending on the circumstances. At Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home, you can rest assured because a nurse is on staff and a doctor is on call.

Features at a glance

  • Handles Aggressive Behavior
  • Handles Exit Seeking
  • Handles Patient Self Harm
  • Wander Alert System
  • Can Administer Medications
  • Reminders And Monitoring
  • Visiting Nurse
  • Wheelchair Accessibility
  • Behavioral Care
  • Can Administer Injections

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Number of Facilities


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General Pricing Information for Christ and Candles Assisted Living Home

Room Type

Average Cost

1 Bedroom




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(866) 567-4049
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